
Lion Team (Indoor Picnic)

Indoor Picnic

Since it has been raining all day, we just stayed indoor but we made our day  enjoyable by doing fun activities at school.

"Let's See the Animals"

The kids have chosen their pair.
They have both decided if which color they were going.
At the end, they showed the pictures that they have found to their friends.

"Let's choose Yellow."

"Let's choose Red."

"We found an Owl"

"Let's Go to the Zoo Musical Game"

                                                "Paper Ball Volleyball"


"Short Videos for today's indoor picnic."

                                            We have so much fun today.


Monkey and Bear Teams (Room-Play)


Rainy Monday

We had our morning circle and had a lesson about "Nature".

We have played the "Musical Chair Game". After that, we had a room-play and we have got to enjoy the day with our lovely friends.

That's all for today.
See you next week.

12日 Panda🐼Rabbit🐰 室内遊び

Panda🐼Rabbit🐰 室内遊び


