
All Teams (Morning Circle and Indoor-Play)

Rainy Friday

Today, we just stayed indoor due to the heavy rain but we made sure to make our day fun and lively.
In the morning, we have gathered for our morning circle.
We checked the weather, month, day and season then we learned about "Action Words".

"How's the weather today?"
"It's Rainy."

"Let's spell out F-R-I-D-A-Y."

Indoor Game

We formed an "Elephant Nose" by holding each other and choosing our favorite friends. It was so funny because at the end, the elephant's nose got broken so everybody acted like they fell down.

Wow, it's a long elephant's nose!
Oh no! it got broken :D

Autumn Festival Dance Practice

Monthly Height and Weight Measurement Check

The kids have patiently waited for their turns to measure their height and weight.


We divided the room into three areas during our playtime;
*Mega Blocks Area
*Train Toys Area
*Pokenmon and Play House Area

                                                        Train toys area

Pokemon Toys and Play House Area

"Sharing is caring."

"Let's share together."

That's all for today.

See you on Monday!