
Mystery Can (MBL Teams)

Are you ready for another great adventure? Sure was for the three teams as they had a very busy morning. After free play, the kids gathered around for Morning Circle.

They enjoyed learning about Insects while singing the song "Mystery Box" from the Super Simple Songs. They made some changes with the lyrics, instead of the word box, they used the word can, perfect with our mystery can activity today.

For today`s English Lesson, they started it with a game. They played Insect Rescue Game, a fun way to improve fine motor skills and pinching reflex.

Then, they answered their workbooks. The Monkeys practiced identifying big and small objects.

The Bears practiced writing letters Ee and Ff on their notebooks following the right strokes. And the Lions answered their Sounds Great Book. They enjoyed it a lot.

That`s all for today! Enjoy your weekend everyone 😊