
Busy Day (MBL Teams)

It was indeed a hot morning but it did not hinder the kids from enjoying their day to the fullest.

A new month meant new topics to learn. For August, they would be learning about Emotions, Family and Action Words. And for this week, they started learning about Emotions through Matching Tile Game.

By ten o`clock, the Monkeys started their English Lesson and they reviewed their lesson about opposites.

The Bears and the Lions continued playing the Matching Game about Emotions prior to answering their English Student Book.

The Bears learned more about Farm Animals.

On the other hand, the Lions answered an assessment about using This and That in a sentence.

Another exciting thing that they did today was Water Play.

It was so much fun they forgot that it was burning hot outside.

Truly, it was the best thing that happened to them today.

In the afternoon, they enjoyed Hula lesson with their Hula teacher.